Our Montessori Creches and Schools are committed to providing quality care in a safe and caring environment. We put the child first, always. Parents are guaranteed a first-class service, provided by qualified, friendly staff, in modern beautiful buildings, all HSE Approved, fully insured and all with lovely outdoor play areas.
Our services include:
Catering for children 12 months to 13 years
Baby, Toddler and Montessori Rooms.
Flexible hours
Full day, extended day, morning and afternoon sessions, part-time places catered.
Breakfast and Afterschool Club for Primary School Children.
Holiday cover – open 51 weeks
Our school offers a safe and bright environment for your child. We are Health Service Executive approved, meet all pre-school regulations and are inspected regularly. We are members of the St. Nicholas Montessori Teaching Association. Our staff are trained with a childcare qualification, first aid, manual handling and food handling HACCP Certificates, etc. We are members of the Government ECCE and CETS Schemes.
We provide high quality child care. We believe that every child should be treated with respect, given freedom within the limits of a carefully structured environment and allowed to develop naturally at their own pace.
To provide this service the following regulations apply.
Requirements: -
Any special creams or medication they require
One complete change of clothes and outdoor clothes. All items must be clearly marked with the child’s name.
We also ask that basic hygiene is followed i.e. clean hair, nails and clothes.
Dinners are provided by a company called Little Dinners, leaflets available. It is our responsibility to ensure that all children in our care are eating nutritious food therefore we recommend that children who are staying all day avail of the hot lunch. We provide all other food. A menu is displayed in the hall. To meet Department of Environment guidelines for food temperatures we ask that parents remove any food from their fridge at the last possible moment to prevent warming. It is recommended, if possible, that food be transported in a cooler bag.
Lunch Boxes:
All lunch boxes for Sessional Montessori and Afterschool Club children must be named. Food will be stored in the fridge.
Please dress you child in comfortable casual clothes that they can manage i.e. no braces, belts or dungarees. Make it easy for your child to be independent. Good clothes are not suitable as they may become damaged by paint or glue. Please label all belongings including bags and coats. In the summer months a sun hat and sun cream are required.
Opening Hours:
We are open from 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. 51 weeks a year. We close for five working days at Christmas, Bank Holidays and Good Friday.
Sessional Montessori hours are 9.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. and 1.30 pm to 5 pm. Monday to Friday. We operate during primary school term and close for mid-term breaks. Should you require early drop off, after school care or cover for holidays, we can provide this service. A Summer Camp operates for July and August.
After school club operates Monday to Friday during school term. We are open from 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. during mid-term breaks and school holidays. A school drop and collect service will operate, as well as a drop and collect service from after school activities. We are open from 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. daily all year round, apart from a week at Christmas, to facilitate school holidays, mid-term breaks, etc. 5% fee reduction for siblings.
Parents are asked to observe opening and closing hours carefully. There is a penalty of E10 per quarter hour for late collections. This money is paid to the member of staff that stays to look after your child. Should there be an emergency obviously we will do our best to facilitate parents.
We recognise that staff are our most valuable resource. The quality of our service provided to the children depends on them. Our staff are suitably qualified / experienced and posses a genuine interest and love of children. Many of our staff are parents. The welfare of the child must always come first and this is reflected in the way the school is run. The process of employing new staff is critical and our procedure is as follows: -
Interview carried out by Principal and senior member of staff
Job description given
References checked
Garda Clearance checked
Trial day
Position offered
Contract of employment provided and signed.
Equal Opportunities for Staff and Children:
We operate an Equal Opportunities Policy. We welcome children and staff from both genders, all races, creeds, backgrounds and with special needs and disabilities. We respect and embrace all religions, cultures and all types of family units. Our toys and activities reflect this policy of equal opportunities.
Parents should discuss with staff any concerns regarding their child’s health, particularly if they have been unwell during the night or before attending school. You must complete a medicine consent form should you require your child to be given any medication during the school day.
Infection control:
The aim of our infection policy is to prevent needless infection in any of the children in our care. We aim to break the chain of infection at its earliest point. We believe that doing this, combined with good hygiene standards is the key to effective infection control in the school. Parental vigilance and co-operation is essential for this to be successful.
Exclusion guidelines for sick children:
In order to ensure the safety and health of all children, those who have the following conditions will be excluded from the school until either the condition subsides, is no longer contagious or we receive a note from the child’s G.P. stating that the child is no longer contagious: -
Any child suffering from acute symptoms of food poisoning / gastro enteritis.
Any child who is seriously ill with airborne or other infections.
An oral temperature over 100.5 degrees.
An earache
A deep, hacking cough.
Severe congestion
Difficulty breathing or untreated wheezing
An unexplained rash
Vomiting ( more than once in last 24 hours)
Diarrhoea ( more than twice in last 24 hours)
Complains of stiff neck and headache
Lice or nits – see policy
Conjunctivitis – see policy
Contagious disease – if a parent knows or suspects that their child has a contagious disease, please contact the school and advise staff and bring the child to a doctor to confirm. The child will need a note from the doctor confirming when it is safe for the child to return to school.
Fresh air and exercise enhances the growth and health of children and staff. Parents who feel their child is too ill to go outside should keep their child home for an extra day to ensure a complete recovery.
Parents are requested not to bring a child to school during the first two days of an antibiotic treatment.
It is at the manager’s discretion to contact the school G.P. if a child is believed to be unfit to attend the school.
Should there be any query about a particular case the manager will consult with the Area Medical Officer or other professional officer.
Head Lice Policy and Procedure:
Head lice is a recurring problem in all schools. We ask parents to comb your child’s hair with a fine comb weekly. For disease prevention children with lice or nits may be sent home and may only return to the school when they are lice and nit free. The school will follow best practice guidelines as follows:-
All children will be checked regularly for head lice as it is the only effective method for preventing infection. All children will be checked routinely and it is important that children are not singled out for head check in front of other children.
Should a child come to school with lice or nits in their scalp the parents or one of the persons on the emergency form will be called to come and take the child home as soon as possible. As with all other communicable disease the child will be separated from the other children in a way that is not damaging to the child’s self- esteem and also prevents the spread of infection.
If there are only a small amount of nits and no live lice after the family have treated the child at home, staff may choose to pull the nits out and kill them rather than send the child home. It is important that when the children are sent home only with nits that we ask the family to remove the nits and not repeat the treatment. If live lice are found all members of the family should be treated except children under 2 years of age.
All linen, stuffed toys and clothing must be washed following each head lice report.
The school will inform other parents verbally or in writing in the event of an outbreak of head lice and confidentiality will be maintained.
Conjunctivitis Policy and Procedure:
Conjunctivitis is a very infectious eye condition that can occur in children and adults. It can very easily be passed from person to person in a crèche environment. To protect all in our crèche we have included a new policy as follows:-
Should a child/adult be thought to have conjunctivitis they should be brought to their doctor who will if necessary, prescribe cream or drops. The child/adult needs to be absent from the crèche for 24 hours.
Should an infection not be present the G.P. must provide a note.
Notification of child’s illness to parents:
Parents will be notified as soon as possible if their child is ill. Parents will then be expected to arrange for their child to be collected. In an emergency or in a case when we are unable to contact the parents or emergency contact, we will bring the child to either the child’s doctor if in Greystones or the school’s doctor or directly to the hospital.
Medication must be in its original container, have an expiry date and have the original instructions from the doctor.
When your child is taking any form of medication outside the school the parent is required to notify the school, as the child’s behaviour may be affected by the medication or the illness.
Parents are asked to make staff aware of any speech or hearing difficulties as these can affect the child’s behaviour.
All children are expected to have the relevant immunisations at the appropriate age. Details of all immunisation must be provided to staff.
Expectant mothers:
Notices of all infectious diseases as discovered are displayed at the school. Expectant mothers should watch out for these notices.
Minor accidents:
At least one member of staff on duty at all times holds a recognised first aid certificate. Minor accidents or upsets are dealt with by staff and when necessary the child is taken:-
home by the parent / guardian
home by the contact person as stated on the registration form
hospital by parent or nominated person or staff if unable to contact any of the previous people.
All accidents are recorded in the accident book and the child’s file. Parents will be verbally informed of the situation when they collect their child on the day.
Promoting Positive Behaviour Support:-
The law forbids the use of corporal punishment on children. Undesirable or inappropriate behaviour can be dealt with in a positive, caring and consistent manner. Children need to be secure within safe limits and boundaries, which respect individuals and encourage sharing their experience and given information about other ways of behaving. The adults responsible can prevent most unwanted behaviour with careful planning and observation. The layout of the school should reflect a sense of order and safety while allowing the child freedom of choice. Mistakes are wonderful learning opportunities for children and adults.
Parents will be notified of any incidents of difficult, inappropriate or consistently disruptive behaviour. It is our aim to work with parents to guide the child to more appropriate behaviour. We ask that discussions not be held in front of the child. The manager reserves the right to refuse admission to the school and if necessary insist on the withdrawal of a child if their conduct proves detrimental to the general well being of other children and staff.
The policy of the school is to finish each day on a positive note for the child.
Health and safety policy:
No children are allowed in the kitchen.
Roll will be taken morning and afternoon of children present.
All parents and visitors are asked to ensure that they close the front door and gate after they leave.
All accidents are recorded in the accident book.
A fire drill procedure is displayed and a fire drill is held every month.
Parental involvement:
The school operates an open door policy. Parents are asked to make an appointment should they wish to discuss their child’s progress or any concerns they may have. Daily relevant information needs to be departed but we ask that collection and drop off times be kept to a minimum. We need to be kept informed of estimated arrival and departure times so that we may arrange staffing.
Access is offered to all children and parents of children attending the school and all current members of staff.
Access is denied to any parent we have been notified of on whom a current barring order exists or any parent who has limited supervised access to their child.
Supervised access:
- Any person accompanying parents including siblings must be introduced to staff. Siblings are not permitted to leave the parent at any time.
- Childcare students on placement in the school. All students must sign in daily.
- Service technicians should be only allowed in by a staff member and signed in before they start their work.
- Staff members are responsible for answering the door. Please do not assume that individuals trying to enter the school are parents.
- All strangers are asked to identify themselves and asked to wait outside until their identity can be confirmed followed by signing our visitor book with a staff member.
Confidentiality Policy:
The school policy is not to discuss details of any child, staff member or family outside the school without written permission. In the event of a suspicion of child abuse the manager will talk to the Gardai or health board with the knowledge of the parent. Confidential information is shared only with staff members who need the information to perform their job. Personnel details are not discussed without the consent of staff. Both staff and parents have a right to examine their file.
Arrival and collection:
Parents must establish that their child is under school supervision before they leave the premises. Children may only be collected by parents or those authorised. Should parents want another person to collect their child they must notify a staff member and fill in a collection consent form.
In the event of a child being ill and parents being unavailable, persons authorised on the child’s record form will be contacted. We ask that people carry some form of identification. Prompt drop and off and collection is necessary to be fair to other children.
Once children are collected parents must take responsibility for them while they are in the school. We ask parents to observe safety rules, e.g. no running, no walking on wet floors and no children in kitchen, etc.
We ask parents to take particular care when dropping and collecting children especially parking to ensure childrens’ safety.
Persons under the age of 16 years are not permitted to collect a child.
Deposits are required as follows:-
Full Day and Afterschool Club E400
Montessori Sessional E200
ECCE Scheme E100
The deposit is required to secure your child’s place in the creche. Deposits are non-refundable except in the following circumstances. Deposit will be deducted from your child’s last month in the school provided one month’s notice has been given and all fees are paid to-date.
Payment is due one month in advance on the first of every month. Payments may be made by standing order, cash or cheque. Cheque payable to Charlesland Grove Montessori. Our fees are increased slightly every August.
Non- payment of fees may result in cancellation of the place.
One month’s notice or one month’s fees in lieu must be given when leaving the school.
Should your child be sick or on holidays please let us know.
Parents who have their child in the after-school club who need extra hours e.g. days off, half days must book in advance.
The Montessori fee has been calculated taking account of mid-term breaks and holidays. Should you require your child to attend on these days please book in advance and there will be an additional cost. We will mirror local school's mid-term breaks and days off and will advise parents as soon as possible.
Admissions policy:
In order to ensure equitable allocation of places and to provide clear instructions to families the school operates on a first come first served basis. However, we do try to accommodate siblings. All children are welcome regardless of race, religion, gender or ability. When all places are taken up a waiting list is opened. The child at the top of the list is offered the first available space.
Complaints procedure:
The day to day running of the school is under the control of the manager. Should you have concerns or complaints you should in the first instance raise them with your child’s carer. If after doing this your concern or complaint remains unresolved you should bring the matter to the attention of the manager. If you are unable or would prefer not to discuss an issue with your child’s carer, we recognise this and accept that you are free to approach the manager.
Should a complaint or concern remain unresolved after consultation with your child’s carer and the manager, you may contact the owner.
We undertake to deal with all complaints or concerns without delay and to deal with them sensitively and with discretion and to make every effort to resolve them amicably.
Comments / Compliments
The school invites and welcomes any comments and suggestions parents may have on all aspects of care of the children in our charge.
During the year we take the children on trips to the theatre, cinema, zoo, park, farm, swimming, etc. When we go out we ensure that the children are dressed correctly, insurance guidelines are met and take a mobile phone for emergencies. Parents need to sign an outing consent form to enable their child to participate in these activities. For outings outside the Greystones area we will advise the parents in advance.